Silk Spindle Bag
This project is just the type of knitting I really want to do right now. Beautiful colors of a really nice fiber. The knitting is done on really small needles (size 1's) in a pattern that I am making up as I go along. It is so much fun to play with the color choices. I am just going with the flow on this, knitting what I feel is right. I am also playing with texture a bit, using a combination of knits, purls, and slipped stitches. I imagine that I will run out of the colored yarn before I finish the bag, so the bottom portion will be all white.
I have plenty of the white silk, but it needs to be spun up. Which is great, as it has gotten me back into spinning. I don't know if my technique for spinning silk is the best technique -but I am liking the results. All of the yarn I have so far has been spun on my drop spindle, but I have been spinning some of the white silk on my wheel. I really think it will be underspun, so I may have to run it back through to add more twist. The yarn I spun on my spindle had a lot of twist in it.
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