The Swap Complete
One evening last as I was making dinner the door bell rang. The UPS man had left a package at the door. I knew it was my package from my felted nest swap partner, Knittrips. I forced myself to wait until after dinner to open the package. Here is what was in it.
The nest, embellished with a beautiful blue flower pin.
The Extra goodies - Stickers for my student's papers, a lovely green bag of glass hearts, a sample of Eucalan Wool Wash, and wonderful tea called "Ancient Happiness".
What a wonderful set of treats. I am always on the lookout for new stickers for my students (in my experience, college students enjoy getting stickers on their papers). I have been wanting to try Eucalan for a long time. My favorite is the tea - it smells and tastes delightful. Plus there is the added joy of saying I am drinking Ancient Happiness. Thanks Knittrips, you have helped to make my first ever swap a great experience.
The nest, embellished with a beautiful blue flower pin.
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