New Years Resolution - Adventures and Explorations

Adventure,  Be Adventurous
Go New Places
Try New Things
Meet New People
Get out of My Comfort Zone

Adventures and Explorations, big and small, are the focus of my New Year's Resolution. It lines up with well with where I am in life - a new job, a strong network of friends and family, but no daily obligations to children or a spouse. I have the time and space in my life to be adventurous.

My goals - three "adventures" a week, one of which must be going someplace new outdoors. While I am planning some big adventures for the year, these weekly adventures do not need to be big- eating at a new restaurant, cooking a new dish, reading a new author, trying a new craft or crafting technique.

In addition - I will seek out opportunities for adventures and explorations in my life on a daily basis -  to make choices that get me outside of my norm.

Finally, I will document my adventures here on my blog.

Happy New Year and Happy Adventuring to you all.


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