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Adventures Week 2

I have been remiss in writing about my Adventures, but not in having them. Week 2  Friday, Saturday, Sunday the 11th, 12th, and 13th of January Went to Wichita for the Coronation of my friends Catalina and Donngal (SCA). I have the honor of serving as their house steward, which will be a grand adventure. After a long busy day, I didn't want to go to the post revel, but I am glad I did. I had a great time and made some new friends. Outdoor Adventure  There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground when I got back to Lawrence. My outdoor adventure was to explore the property my rental house is on, going to some parts that I have not been to before.  DnD Adventures  Wed Night - I punched a beholder and lived! I also gained rat ears and continue to meet new people. Thurs. Night (The Adventures of Mara Windriver, Human Bard) - Ha! I knew I had magical items worth $$$$. Sold potions and scrolls for over 6000 gold pieces, taking care of our money woes (if only i...

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